Saturday, October 22, 2011

Hello Faithful Readers,
We realize that we hadn't been so faithful in our updates the past few days.  Sorry!

Our final day in Niger (Friday) was terrific!  We left the Bible School and headed to KAMNA's facility.  (KAMNA is the social outreach arm of the Niger Assemblies of God Church).  There, we quickly set up a clinic and began seeing patients.  Earlier in the week, the pastors had announced that we would be seeing the sick and many showed up to be seen.  It was a very busy day and God used us to bring hope and healing to many.  In between patients, we had a delicious lunch prepared for us by the staff of KAMNA. 

At the end of the day, we sadly had to turn some away and that was saddening.  But, we take comfort in the fact that Jesus did the same and He did not heal everyone.  Thankfully God is in control and we are not.  He knows what each person is facing and He can provide for those who were turned away.

Then, we were whisked off to get back to our rooms to pack and shower before a dinner with the Pastors of the national board of the Assemblies of God.  They showered us with thanks and gifts in appreciation of what we had done this week.

At the airport, we said our "goodbye's" and soon found ourselves in our seats on the plane headed to Paris.

Yesterday, we tried to take in all of the sights of Paris and avoid the whiplash of transferring from Niger to a HUGE, developed, 1st world country. 

We're heading back to the USA tomorrow morning.  Thank you for your prayers and traveling "with" us!

PS: Please keep Marcia, Megan, Leigh and Brett in your prayers as they are in Burkina Faso for a few extra days.

1 comment:

  1. glad to hear an update!!! We can't wait to welcome you home and hear more stories of what God did in Niger!!! xoxo
